More About The System

As the panels are made of a sandwich composition of leather, hi-tech foam and plastics,which creates their weight distribution ability.

This composition with an added design feature allows the panels to actively move three dimensionally with the horse . Performance is enhanced because the horse is able to move fully both medially and laterally.

Although the panel appears forward to customer unused to looking at panel saddles, the flexible design allows for more freedom of movement, resting over the scapula or shoulder blade (this part of the panel is non weight bearing) it allows the shoulder to travel backwards underneath the panel allowing complete freedom of movement. When riding without numnahs or saddle pads you can easily see the panels flex as the shoulders move underneath.

The tree points are specially shortened to end above the bony mass of the scapula so when the shoulders rotate backwards, they slide easily under the panels without encountering rigid resistance . This feature is especially useful with regards to horses with muscle damage to the wither pocket or high withers as the saddle does not sit into the area behind the scapula as does a traditionally designed saddle which is very advantageous to the renewal of muscle in these cases.

The specially designed numnahs and saddle pads come in a pair, one for each panel, they are attached independently of each other and ensure that as the panels move with the horse there is no constriction at the top of the wither or movement from the numnahs .
The connection between the saddle and the panel is made with four shock-absorbing ‘Sorbothane’ discs. Sorbothane is a dense patented rubber designed to isolate vibration while absorbing energy and impact. The discs come in four thicknesses, allowing almost infinite repositioning to custom fit the saddle. The panels and shock absorbing discs follow the changing contours of the back in motion .

The panels undulate with the back under the centre of the saddle. Independently attached, the panels compress and flex on either side of the horse’s spine in response to the back motion. For more information on this amazing, semi solid please see “Why Sorbothane ? No other saddle has this system, absorbing shock and concussion from both the rider above and the horse below giving the ultimate in stability and feel even on the widest horse. You really can feel every footfall.



Introducing The ReactorPanel Saddle


Increased Stimulation of The Back Muscles